The 100,000 and Ulmer help campaign does not look away, but helps to alleviate the suffering in our neighborhood. A monetary donation supports social initiatives or people in the region who are particularly in need. We can assure you: every cent is received and brings joy to life!
Although our social network is tightly woven, there are always people who are not supported by it. The 100,000 and Ulmer help campaign then tries to slow the free fall of these people and provide help.
Special appeals are therefore made to draw attention to individual fates, whereby donations can be made specifically for the people affected.
This not only enables those in need and those in need to live a more carefree life, but also gives them a feeling of recognition and support. This means that children from financially weak families also find a present under the Christmas tree every year, because around 1,500 families and single parents are supported with financial help in time for Christmas Eve.
Hospices, mother-child associations and other social institutions are also supported, to name just a few examples. This makes the continued existence of many regional aid projects possible.