RED NOSES Germany e.V.
RED NOSES Germany e.V. belongs to the international artistic organization RED NOSES Clowndoctors International, which brings laughter and enjoyment of live to suffering people. In Germany, their work has been an integral part of many renowned health facilities and clinics since 2003. Currently, 70 RED NOSES clowns give happy moments to around 47,400 younger and older people during regular clown visits.
RED NOSES improvise instead of operating, they are not doctors, but specially trained artists. Her medicine is humor.
RED NOSES on children’s wards
They provide a cheerful distraction for small patients. Clown visits on pediatric wards, in children’s oncology and cardiology as well as intensive care at day of an operation contribute to child-friendly hospital care, help the relatives and relieve the nursing staff. The artists create a fantasy world in which the focus is on the child and not the illness: Syringes become moon rockets, the hospital bed becomes a pirate ship.
RED NOSES visit people in need of care
RED NOSES help in crisis situations – worldwide and on your own doorstep
More information at
Donation account:
IBAN: DE06 3702 0500 0020 2020 20
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft